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Same Day Crowns

To minimize time consumption and to maximize precision Dr. Reena has invested in the newest dental related technology. We proudly offer the “One Visit Computerized CEREC Crowns” treatment. This makes crowning a faster, easier and more efficient practice. CEREC or Cerec (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, or CEramic REConstruction) is a method of CAD/CAM dentistry developed by W. Mörmann and M. Brandestini at the University of Zurich in 1980 for creating dental restorations. With the aid of CEREC, sensitive temporaries or unpleasant tasting, sticky impression materials are no longer required. The procedure is concluded in a single visit with the assistance of a digital impressions.

Did you know…

Today, CEREC is creating new levels of excellence in dentistry and continuously developing to adjust to the ever increasing requirements of dentists and their patients. Choosing a dentist specializing in CEREC assisted restorations, you designate a dentist who exudes exactitude, competence and stability.

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