Tooth Plaque

Plaque is a common oral disorder and around 68% of adults have plaque on their teeth. It is a sticky colorless film that develops on your teeth and between them. Plaque also appears above and below the gum line. Plaque contains bacteria, which produce acids that affect your tooth enamel.

When not brushed off properly, a plaque turns into tartar, putting you at an increased risk of developing cavities or serious gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis.

The development of plaque is normal in every human being. It is produced when the bacteria in our mouth mixes with the sugar or carbohydrates present in the food we eat. This process produces a large number of acids that attack and destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth cavities.

Tooth Plaque
Tooth Plaque Causes

Plaque Causes

  • Food & Drinks: When food debris that is rich in carbohydrates or sugar is left on the teeth, it causes plaque. Milk, honey, chocolates, candy, chips, ice cream, cookies, etc., are some of the foods that are more likely to cause tooth plaque.
  • Not Brushing: If you don’t brush or floss your teeth regularly, plaque can build up, eventually causing tooth decay.
  • Dry mouth: Lack of saliva in your mouth leads to dry mouth and also causes plaque. Minerals present in saliva limits bacterial growth and prevents tooth decay.
  • Receding gums: When the gums weary from your teeth, plaque develops on the roots of teeth causing severe tooth decay and pain.
  • Bottled water: the fluoride present in the public water supplies subsides the bacterial growth, however, most bottled or filtered water doesn’t contain fluoride. People who drink bottled water have a risk of developing plaque and tartar.
  • Bad Habits: People who smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol too much are more likely to develop plaque quickly.

Tooth Plaque Prevention

  • To prevent tooth plaque buildup, brushing and flossing daily is a perfect remedy
  • Floss between teeth after meals or before sleeping at night to remove food debris and bacteria
  • Use an antibacterial mouth rinse
  • Do change your toothbrush every 2 or 3 months
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, preferably an electric brush, and gently clean your teeth
  • Maintain a healthy diet and use lots of green vegetables like celery in your diet
  • Eat lots of nutritious foods such as cheese, plain yogurt, and fruits
  • Avoid smoking and reduce the consumption of alcohol; quitting these bad habits is excellent for maintaining a good and healthy dental life.
  • See your dentist at least every six months for a complete oral health check-up
Tooth Plaque Prevention

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